Cornell University

Cornell University Police Department

The Daily Crime Log is published in compliance with the Jeanne Clery Disclosure of Campus Security Policy and Campus Crime Statistics Act. It contains the previous 60 days of criminal and other significant incidents reported to the Cornell Police Department occurring within its patrol jurisdiction and on the university's on-campus, non-campus, and public property, as defined by the Law.

If you have a question regarding the Crime Log, please contact the Chief of Cornell Police at 607-255-8945

Incident Type Report Number Reported Occurred Location Narrative Disposition
There are no reportable incidents for this date; please check next available business day.

Disposition Status Terms
Arrest See narrative for details.
Exceptional Clearance Identity of the offender is known and there is some reason outside the police control for not arresting, charging, and prosecuting offender.
Pending Complaint is still under active investigation.
Closed Inactive pending further information.
Unfounded Investigation reveals the complaint to be false or baseless.